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Delivery Options. . .

Cross Creek Hay offers delivery to your facility for our customers without the capabilities of transporting hay. To keep the cost of hay down, we do not employ hands for unloading hay.

 You are always welcome to pick up your hay at a pre-arranged pick up time.

If your barn space is limited we can supply stocked van trailers. Once the van trailer is empty we will pick it up and replace it with another fully stocked trailer.

A rental fee of $100/month for all stocked van trailers to be left on site.

Delivery Requirements:

• Delivery charge is $2.50/mile from Edgefield, SC 29824.

• Price per mile is for loaded miles only

• Unloading and stacking hay at the delivery site is the responsibility of

the customer.

• Gate entrance, drive and hay barn must be accessible for the delivery

truck and trailer.

• We do not deliver hay in inclement weather unless dropping off a van trailer.

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